Hello world!

WordPress up and running. Goodbye iWeb. Righteous!!

This is all starting to take a decent form now.  WordPress pretty much kicks ass. After a couple of days getting things configured correctly on my host server and with a little practice it actually looks fairly close to what I was trying to do previously in iWeb. You know, I love the Mac and most Apple software and iWeb really has some sweet features, not the least of which is it’s Aperture aware, meaning it “sees” my entire Aperture library and I could select images from the library directly in iWeb, drag em into the page and they just resize to fit the way you want them.

Very nice but of course the program is written for your aunt Bernie who has a new iMac and a Canon Elf and she just spang (sprung) the $100 for a subscription to dotMac. So if you publish your blog or website to dotMac, it works really nice and it’s easy as shit.

But I don’t have, or want, dotMac. Besides I already pay somebody every month for hosting services so I wanna get the most out of that service that I can. Not to mention the cleaner URL to tresgatos.net.

Keep watching, all two of you, this could actually get interesting.

The above photo taken during the most recent Art Walk in downtown Ventura. This was in the elevator at what I call “Hotel Freakshow.”

Long story.

Thanks Steve

No less than 5 people asked me today, “So, aren’t you sorry you got your iPhone the day after they came out?”

This of course was a reference to the fact that Apple released a bunch of new iPods today and announced they were discontinuing the 4GB iPhone and lowering the price of the 8GB by $200 to $399. This is $100 cheaper than my 4GB cost.

I answered honestly, “Naw, I’m not sorry, now I can afford to buy another one.”

This pretty much shut them up.

The fat person in the mirror is me taking this photo with … my 4GB iPhone.

In the can

Don’t ask me why but some time ago I started a collection of photographs taken within the confines of public bathrooms. In nearly all cases these are restricted to the men’s rooms but I try not to discriminate.

Occasionally, I’ll post some of these as a way to bore you to tears.

There’s really no value in it. I don’t think it’s some sort of clever thing that nobody has thought of yet that’ll someday catch on and end up in a show at the Norton Simon.

No, I’m not going to photograph my first cup of coffee of the day for years on end, or put babies in bunny costumes or try to gather as many cell phone camera pictures of cleavages as I can.

It’s just the inside of public bathrooms. Some have tiger striped wallpaper, some are gross beyond words, hence the photos.

The sweet young man above dressed in a tuxedo was caught washing his hands in the john at Il Fornaio in Pasadena around April 2007.

Labor Day

Any unfortunate soul who managed to find their way here, seriously has way too much time on their hands.

There’s no payoff. All you get is a photo of what I had for breakfast today. That’s right! I eat meat. Sometimes. Well, a few times a week actually, but I’ll tell you that I eat way less meat than I used to and far less than the average American.

Who gives a fuck what I had for breakfast?

Only me.

But I’m going to use this macro lens photograph one of two sausage links that I consumed this Labor Day morning to announce the opening of this blog.

Mostly, what you’ll see and read here are the crusty, ill-tempered rants from a long-time visual journalist who’s been chewed up and spit out of a half dozen newsrooms in L.A. And the photographs that now amuse this former news photographer who no longer trolls the roads of SoCal, scanner squaking and a bag full of Tri-X pan in the trunk.

Obsolete? Naw. Irreverent? Hopefully.


Your mileage may vary.