ryderfeets, originally uploaded by visualkaos.
Few things are cuter than baby feets.
dreamywasabi, originally uploaded by visualkaos.
Just liked the light on this ginger and wasabi.
We like to take road trips. We haven’t done it for a while but I think we’re getting to a point where we need to.
Whenever we take one of these trips we take a gazillion pictures and we give the whole odyssey a name like Tom and Linda’s Excellent Adventure, Magical Mystery Tour, Serenity Now and Serenity Not.
We also like to get off the Interstate and go the long way, take the back roads. I know this is not an original idea but it’s what we do.
The above photo was made somewhere between Santa Cruz and Saratoga, CA along Highway 9 on a trip to San Francisco that we called “The Pilgramage.”
Linda says that kitties sniff things because they’re trying to figure them out.
It’s not just, sniff, sniff, “Ohhhh, salmon!”
In addition to that it’s also, sniff, sniff, “Hmmmm.” Sniff, sniff — head tilt — sniff, sniff, “Ahh! Vintage Nikon Coolpix E995, circa 2004 with OEM Nikkor FC-E8 fisheye converter! Noice!
damoon, originally uploaded by visualkaos.
My favorite planet, well technically it’s not a planet but still my fav, being a cancer and all.