Seemingly, we humans live our lives so that we can have a house. Well, and food.
Isn’t that the way it’s been since man opted to come down from the trees and stopped dragging his knuckles on the ground?
It is certainly not a new thing that when we are not collecting the best palm fronds for our thatched roofs or installing new, sound-proof, energy efficient, double-pane windows in our craftsman view home, then we’re out hunting or gathering or, shopping.
Linda and I have managed to fall into line with the rest of the sheep, baaaaing our way to and from our jobs so that we can have toast for dinner in our own hut in a place called America. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: October 2007
wurtz kitty
bug eyes
bug eyes, originally uploaded by visualkaos.
Wildlife Highway
We live on Tupelo Ridge Drive, in a house we sometimes call ‘Rancho de los Gatos.’
Two humans live here but the three felines who allow us to reside with them, collectively rule this place.
But it clearly wasn’t always this way, and if the two humans and three cats who currently call this small piece of property home did not occupy it, many, many other critters would.
In fact, the critters who live around this place are constantly trying to evict us so they can move back in.
Regardless of what the Los Angeles County Tax Assessor or the County Recorder or Countrywide Mortgage or Tom Gapen thinks, this piece of property on Tupelo Ridge Drive belongs to them. The critters of Ranch de los Gatos want their land back and they’re never going to give up, ever. Continue reading
Couldn’t resist.