Don’t ask me why but some time ago I started a collection of photographs taken within the confines of public bathrooms. In nearly all cases these are restricted to the men’s rooms but I try not to discriminate.
Occasionally, I’ll post some of these as a way to bore you to tears.
There’s really no value in it. I don’t think it’s some sort of clever thing that nobody has thought of yet that’ll someday catch on and end up in a show at the Norton Simon.
No, I’m not going to photograph my first cup of coffee of the day for years on end, or put babies in bunny costumes or try to gather as many cell phone camera pictures of cleavages as I can.
It’s just the inside of public bathrooms. Some have tiger striped wallpaper, some are gross beyond words, hence the photos.
The sweet young man above dressed in a tuxedo was caught washing his hands in the john at Il Fornaio in Pasadena around April 2007.