Hello world!

WordPress up and running. Goodbye iWeb. Righteous!!

This is all starting to take a decent form now.  WordPress pretty much kicks ass. After a couple of days getting things configured correctly on my host server and with a little practice it actually looks fairly close to what I was trying to do previously in iWeb. You know, I love the Mac and most Apple software and iWeb really has some sweet features, not the least of which is it’s Aperture aware, meaning it “sees” my entire Aperture library and I could select images from the library directly in iWeb, drag em into the page and they just resize to fit the way you want them.

Very nice but of course the program is written for your aunt Bernie who has a new iMac and a Canon Elf and she just spang (sprung) the $100 for a subscription to dotMac. So if you publish your blog or website to dotMac, it works really nice and it’s easy as shit.

But I don’t have, or want, dotMac. Besides I already pay somebody every month for hosting services so I wanna get the most out of that service that I can. Not to mention the cleaner URL to tresgatos.net.

Keep watching, all two of you, this could actually get interesting.

The above photo taken during the most recent Art Walk in downtown Ventura. This was in the elevator at what I call “Hotel Freakshow.”

Long story.

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About admin

I'm a photographer, editor, designer, writer and Photoshopper and arguably, a guitar player now living in the Pacific Northwest. My wife is amazing. We have two cats, no kids. The moon is my planet, I love rain, good, strong coffee and a Gibson ES-335.

One thought on “Hello world!

  1. Tom, my bro,
    hotelfreakshow, that is hil air ee us!!! I just read thru your blog and i absolutely love it. not only do i love that you have a blog but i love the format and the content!! of course I have to comment on the pic that I am in…. keep on truckin man i love you!!!!!

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