Labor Day

Any unfortunate soul who managed to find their way here, seriously has way too much time on their hands.

There’s no payoff. All you get is a photo of what I had for breakfast today. That’s right! I eat meat. Sometimes. Well, a few times a week actually, but I’ll tell you that I eat way less meat than I used to and far less than the average American.

Who gives a fuck what I had for breakfast?

Only me.

But I’m going to use this macro lens photograph one of two sausage links that I consumed this Labor Day morning to announce the opening of this blog.

Mostly, what you’ll see and read here are the crusty, ill-tempered rants from a long-time visual journalist who’s been chewed up and spit out of a half dozen newsrooms in L.A. And the photographs that now amuse this former news photographer who no longer trolls the roads of SoCal, scanner squaking and a bag full of Tri-X pan in the trunk.

Obsolete? Naw. Irreverent? Hopefully.


Your mileage may vary.

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About admin

I'm a photographer, editor, designer, writer and Photoshopper and arguably, a guitar player now living in the Pacific Northwest. My wife is amazing. We have two cats, no kids. The moon is my planet, I love rain, good, strong coffee and a Gibson ES-335.

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